Why is a Cloud-Based WMS Better for Your Company?

Businesses across various industries benefit from the greater efficiency and adaptability brought about by cloud-based software solutions, including the industry-leading SAP Business One. But are you getting the most out of it for your business?

While its prowess as an ERP is undoubted, add-ons can transform performance metrics for your company. For instance, integrating a Warehouse Management System (WMS) into your SAP setup can drive efficiencies and performance for your warehouse operations.

In that respect, Logiks WMS?, a solution designed exclusively for SAP Business One, offers a comprehensive solution that leverages the cloud to deliver superior warehouse management.

But why is a cloud-based WMS better, and what advantages does it bring to your business?

What is a Cloud-Based WMS?

As the name suggests, cloud-based WMS are hosted on a cloud platform, allowing managers to access data and operational information from anywhere in the world. Of course, this setup delivers several advantages.

Namely, unlike traditional on-premises WMS, cloud-based solutions such as Logiks WMS require no complex installations or hardware implementation. Instead, you can install it like any other software program and seamlessly integrate it into your SAP Business One environment.

In other words, you can completely overhaul your warehouse operations in hours and reap a slew of additional benefits. Let’s examine those benefits and how they may positively impact your organization.

The Advantages of Implementing a Cloud-Based WMS

1. Speed and Ease of Implementation

As mentioned, a cloud-based WMS is exceptionally easy to deploy. In the case of Logiks, the solution is designed to integrate quickly and seamlessly with SAP Business One. There’s no need to add on-site server infrastructure. You simply install the solution, and it automatically connects through the SAP service layer. All warehouse processing is automatically run through the Logiks Data Gateway, which doubles as a bridge to the Logiks cloud environment.

And that’s it. In mere hours, you start overhauling how your warehouse is run, spot inefficiencies and reduce operational costs.

2. Centralization of Warehouse Operations

A huge benefit of switching to a cloud-based SAP WMS is giving yourself complete control over your warehouse operations from a single access point. You can set up templates, standard configurations, detail logging, and all kinds of other functionality from a single location which updates all devices and locations in seconds.

This provides a foundation for much higher consistency in operations, reduces errors, and delivers enhanced flexibility in the face of changing business needs.

3. Speed and Modern Architecture

As a business operating a warehouse, you’ll already be aware of the need for speed. Picking times need to be slashed, and incoming order data must be processed in milliseconds. In the case of Logiks, this modern solution has been developed from scratch over the last 18 months to leverage the blazing-fast speed of the latest cloud architecture while incorporating the latest aspects of functionality.

With a user-friendly interface, you can get the insights you need fast. From inventory reports to order processing statistics, whatever you require is always at your fingertips.

4. Enhanced Scalability and Flexibility

Of course, a vital consideration is scalability. As your business and warehouse operations grow, you need a SAP warehouse management solution that can grow with you. Being cloud-based, scaling couldn’t be any simpler. With the “pay as you grow” model, you can do away with costly infrastructure upgrades and simply pay for extra devices to be added.

It doesn’t matter how many desktops, mobile devices, or scanners you need to add – Logiks can effortlessly scale as you do.

Real-World Performance of Logiks WMS

Companies like yours are already harnessing the performance improvements delivered by Logiks WMS. Take Tin Shack, for instance, who had enjoyed a successful implementation of SAP Business One but still faced problems and inefficiencies in their warehouse performance.

As a company that ships thousands of pairs of shoes during busy seasons, they needed something faster, more modern, and more efficient.

Over the course of 10 weeks, Tin Shack implemented Logiks WMS and enjoyed substantial performance increases and resource savings:

  • Average pick time dropped from 8 seconds to milliseconds, resulting in significant time savings.
  • With a fully optimized pick process, Tin Shack was able to shed 20% of their warehouse workforce, representing a substantial labor cost reduction.
  • Logiks WMS improved picking accuracy, boosting customer satisfaction and improving relationships with retailers.
  • With an easy-to-use UI and more efficient workflow, Logiks WMS helped warehouse workers become more engaged and productive.

Transform Your Warehouse Operations Today with Logiks WMS

If you’re looking for a cloud-based WMS that seamlessly integrates with SAP to eradicate inefficiency and wasted resources in warehouse operations, there’s no need to look further than Logiks.

Our solution has been developed using the latest cloud architecture to deliver performance increases without any of the usual associated headaches. There’s no infrastructure to install, and you can enact changes across your entire warehouse operation with just a few clicks.

In short, Logiks delivers an efficient, scalable, and cost-effective solution tailored to any business running SAP Business One.

To learn more about our solution or to view a no-obligation demonstration, please contact our team today. We look forward to helping your company become more efficient and better positioned for future growth.

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